The World


Hello World // March 2024

April edit: I've been appointed GM in a new DnD campaign so that's kinda taking all of my "other" free time :D Won't update this as soon as I originally planned. and for art stuff
Hello, I -just- got here, so everything is new and/or broken, give me a sec.
Also: wow who knew this whole thing was still up? I've been yearning for good old early 00s internet. This is NICE.

Altimit template by

Header Here

"I've always wanted a litter box like this!" It flushes with water so there is no need to clean it. The sensor picks up the cat's motion and keeps it clean at all times. It is bolted on easily between the human toilet and the sewer, so there is no hassle involved. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut mi et urna pharetra cursus molestie et augue. Nulla eu ultrices lectus. Aliquam et egestas urna. Pellentesque vitae faucibus magna, vel facilisis lorem. Phasellus quis nisl a eros accumsan interdum. Proin accumsan finibus finibus.

Suspendisse a consectetur tellus. Morbi aliquet semper pellentesque. Praesent ultricies ac purus in scelerisque. Nunc cursus quam sit amet dolor egestas, elementum malesuada nulla molestie. Etiam turpis leo, vehicula in tempor quis, fermentum non est.


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